Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Letter sent

Per your request, my Lord, I have sent the letter threatening the girl's death if he does not comply. I want it to be know that I don't kill though. If you want this girl dead you will have to send another agent. I feel as this mission is no longer fitting my standards of why I have joined the force of your power. My apologies if this upsets you, my Lord.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Request Accomplished

I have the girl per your request. I will await further instruction.

Action requested

Per your requests, my Lord, I have discontinued contact but I feel that your latest request requires clarification. You want me to kidnap the girl, Tina. I feel this is a extreme measure. Is there no other way?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Question of involvment

I felt it important to report that some mysterious person has made contact with Waterson, Tim. The subject is calling himself "Peter". This Peter appears to have knowledge of future events stated in his email contact with Waterson, Tim. Should we take action?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Report Project Waterson

I just wanted to send a report that it appears Waterson, Tim is making no progress in his search for his twin. This is obviously the hope that we can avoid this without conflict.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Surveillance of Waterson Home

4/11/2008- Entered Waterson home at 1300 hours. Used lock reader key for front door. I surveyed the grounds. Within the adoptive parents room there are no signs of the twins which means that in appearance the parents continue to hold their end of the agreement of the Twin pledge of 1988.

Surveyed Sam's room. Messy and difficult to maneuver through without exposing my presence. Picture of the former Chicago Bears team on his wall. Unmade bed. Picture of him and girlfriend, Anderson Tina on desk with computer. Endless stacks of papers and clothes scattered around room. A apple computer was found on the desk under a t-shirt. Files were pulled from his personal computer. Not much was found on files. List of files found.

  • Downloaded Episodes of "Biggest Loser" (TV show promoting body appeal.)
  • Report for History Class, titled "Watergate-scandal or sham"
  • Bikini Photos of girlfriend, Anderson, Tina
  • Homemade movie of fictional dance group, "Instep"
  • 1,000 illegally downloaded songs.
Moved into sister's bedroom, but was compromised when Waterson, Tim came home. Left out window. It should be noted front door was left open when he came home. Doubtful if suspicions aroused.

File report under 44.5.32 "Waterson home 1"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mission "Twin Disaster" received

Mission Twin Disaster received.

Mission Goal: Prevent at all costs Waterson from finding his twin. These two were separated at birth to prevent the world from ending with a collapse of democracy. Twin 2 Waterson is attempting to locate using the "world wide web." If you thought the Bush administration was bad, you have no idea. These twins must never meet! This must be stopped.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Green Planet 3-Watergate

Mission Received. An anulump has occurred in 1972. Richard Nixon was never caught for the Watergate scandal. This must be amended.

This was an easy fix, journeying to 1972, I called Woodward, Bob and Bernstein, Carl and gave them the information about Nixon. Calling myself "Deepthroat" I helped them unknowingly amend history.

File under Anulump 4563.131.45 "Deepthroat vs. Nixon"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Green Planet 2- DiCaprio project B

Capt. Sam Wilck reporting. 04/04/2008

Received first mission via time bubble. An Anulump has occurred outside 04/14/1912. Ice burg was avoided and Titanic arrived in a safe manner to harbor. Fluctuation occurred in involvement with DiCaprio and Cameron in film Titanic. DiCaprio's fame had been compromised. Transfered back to 04/13/1912 and placed ice burg within proper place. Appears that a wave did not push ice burg in proper place and this has been amended. Reviewed time frame to check proper status of DiCaprio.

1912- Titanic sinks on schedule

1997-Hundreds of girls swoon over DiCaprio in film, Titanic.

2012- DiCaprio makes prequel, "Titanic Begins" to boost fame.

2024- DiCaprio contacts cancer virus, becomes aware of life's value, leaves money to orphanage "St. Mary's Virgin Child"

2026- DiCaprio dies.

2053- From St. Mary's Virgin Child comes the New President of the United States and Territories. President Roganang personally thanks Leonardo DiCaprio for his donation to orphanage that raised him.

2054- Neo-Anti-Communism overturned. World saved.

2054- Leonardo DiCaprio and President Roganang praised as nations saviors. Hundreds of digital film stars begin donating to orphanages in honor of late DiCaprio.

End of text report. File under -Anulump 16.523 "DiCaprio hero"

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Green Planet 1 "NHL Draft with Queen Elizabeth" Received

Anulump 45.3 "NHL draft with Queen Elizabeth" received.

Mission goal: Undo the time anulump that occurred with the Canadian National Railway (CNR). It appears that the CNR disbanded early leaving no time for the Queen Elizabeth Hotel to be constructed. This hotel must be constructed so that it can hold ten NHL drafts between 1963 and 1979. (Source: Wikipedia) The NHL Drafts must take place for we all know the importance of the NHL as our nations pastime.

Journeyed back to 1923 and found the source of the Anulump was the unknowing Sir. Henry Thornton. Apparently when he was supposed to create the CNR Radio, he instead invested in a small production of XM radio which would not see success for almost 80 years. This would mean that CNR would go bankrupt and collapse within two years. I visited Mr. Thornton with the intent of convincing him to invest otherwise.

Mr. Thornton was resistant until I discovered his love for wearing women's clothing. Once I shared with Mr. Thornton some photos he immediately agreed to invest in FM/AM Radio.

You can see via Wikipedia that the Queen Elizabeth Hotel was built and off of that success, our nation's pastime NHL early drafts occurred.

Long live NHL! May it continue to detour us from Neo-Anti-Pro-Nazism.

File under anulump 16.678 "NHL USX's pastime"
End file

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Copy Recieved Acknowledged

Capt. Sam Wilck reporting for duty- 04/02/2008.

Arrived 1600 hours in a small town just outside of former territory Annapolis Maryland. Town is Arnold Maryland and I have set up base near Olsen1 home. Subject appears at this point to be holding on to history. No anulump at this point seen. I have set up base 2.6 miles from subject Olsen1 home. Will continue to monitor, report findings.

test 1.0

Test- This is Capt. Sam Wilck. Copy if acknowledged.