Monday, April 7, 2008

Green Planet 2- DiCaprio project B

Capt. Sam Wilck reporting. 04/04/2008

Received first mission via time bubble. An Anulump has occurred outside 04/14/1912. Ice burg was avoided and Titanic arrived in a safe manner to harbor. Fluctuation occurred in involvement with DiCaprio and Cameron in film Titanic. DiCaprio's fame had been compromised. Transfered back to 04/13/1912 and placed ice burg within proper place. Appears that a wave did not push ice burg in proper place and this has been amended. Reviewed time frame to check proper status of DiCaprio.

1912- Titanic sinks on schedule

1997-Hundreds of girls swoon over DiCaprio in film, Titanic.

2012- DiCaprio makes prequel, "Titanic Begins" to boost fame.

2024- DiCaprio contacts cancer virus, becomes aware of life's value, leaves money to orphanage "St. Mary's Virgin Child"

2026- DiCaprio dies.

2053- From St. Mary's Virgin Child comes the New President of the United States and Territories. President Roganang personally thanks Leonardo DiCaprio for his donation to orphanage that raised him.

2054- Neo-Anti-Communism overturned. World saved.

2054- Leonardo DiCaprio and President Roganang praised as nations saviors. Hundreds of digital film stars begin donating to orphanages in honor of late DiCaprio.

End of text report. File under -Anulump 16.523 "DiCaprio hero"

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